Astronomical Societies

2111 Foundation for Exploration
The 2111 Foundation for Exploratas founded to offer grants to expeditions or fieldwork using space technology or work with space related applications. This includes astronomical field excursions or fieldtrips or expeditions undertaking astronomical observations. The Foundation Home Page provides a complete list of eligible expedition categories.
Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston ( ATMoB )
ATMoB is one of the nation's oldest and largest astronomy clubs. Meetings are held monthly at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA and feature a wide range of guest speakers. A clubhouse and observing site is maintained in Westford, MA.
American Association of Variable Star Observers ( AAVSO )
American Astronomical Society ( AAS )
Contains information on the Society, meeting schedules, meeting abstracts (in HTML), staff directory, the AAS Job Register and AASTeX .
American Geophysical Union ( AGU )
American Geophysical Union is an international scientific society with more than 32,000 members in over 115 countries. For over 75 years, AGU researchers, teachers, and science administrators have dedicated themselves to advancing the understanding of Earth and its environment in space and making the results available to the public
American Mathematical Society ( AMS )
American Mathematical Society top level WWW page
American Nuclear Society ( ANS )
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers ( AAAA )
The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and scientific organization. Our new 24-inch f/4 primary mirror will become part of a state-of-the-art robotically controlled observatory to be completed in 1996.
Astronomical Society in Denmark
The Astronomical Society in Denmark is the only danish, nationwide society for people interested in Astronomy. On the AS homepage you can get information about the activities currently going on, get news about the Society and Astronomy in general and find out how to become a member.
Astronomical Society of Australia ( ASA )
The Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) is the society of professional astronomers in Australia. This link points to the ASA Home Page, listing a variety of information on the Society and its activities, including " Instructions to Authors" for its journal and email addresses of members.
Astronomical Society of North Texas ( ASNT )
Young astronomy club north of Dallas. Lots of different interests. Monthly meetings and star parties. Special star party at Eisenhower State Park each year. Come and join our fun! Meetings are every third Tuesday of the month at the Sherman (Texas) Public Library at 7pm. Public is welcome!
Astronomical Society of the Pacific ( ASP )
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is the largest general astronomy society in the world, including professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, educators, and interested laypeople. The ASP's web pages include text of the teachers' newsletter, The Universe in the Classroom.
Astronomische Gesellschaft
The WWW pages of the German Astronomical Society, ''Astronomische Gesellschaft`` contain basic information on the activities and members of this organization of German speaking astronomers.
Austin Astronomical Society ( AAS )
Austin Astronomical Society (AAS) is a non-profit organization for anyone interested in any aspect of astronomy or the space sciences. A major portion of AAS activities are public education outreach efforts.
Cambridge University Astronomy Society
Contains links to various resources of interest to astronomers as well as society information.
Cardiff Astronomical Society
Cardiff Astronomical Society, UK, News and Homepage Information on astronomy, telescopes and exhibitions Links to other society pages and astronomy sites in the UK.
Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society ( CUAS )
The Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society (CUAS) Page

Welcome to the CUAS page.

  • Read CUAS "Looking Ahead"
  • Read CUAS "Looking Up"
  • Read CUAS news
  • Prairienet Home Page
  • This page presented courtesy of Astrolink in affiliation with the Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society. For more information email Dave Leake of the CUAS. Please email with
  • Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy ( ESF funded project )
    Three-year funded project ('scientific network'), by European Science Foundation. Planned:workshops and visits on topics:information retrieval, image processing, artificial vision, emerging computing technologies, computational intelligence, applied to data centres, wide-field surveys, image and bibliographic databases and archives.
    Czech Astronomical Society
    The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
    Czech Astronomical Society
    Czech Astronomical Society (CAS) is a voluntary association of professional and amateur astronomers and friends of astronomy and related sciences and also corporate members in the Czech Republic. CAS was founded on December 8, 1917 in Prague.
    Danish Astronomical Society ( Denmark )
    Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers
    The Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers (Philadelphia, Pa) is dedicated to encouraging cooperation among amateur astronomers and educating the general public in astronomy. Our home page details the club's activities, and includes excerpts from our newsletter.
    Eugene Astronomical Society ( EAS on the WWW )
    The Eugene Astronomical Society in Eugene, Oregon provides access to information about Astronomy, telescopes, meeting information, and members. Also available are links to Web formatted versions of it's newsletter, 'Io'
    European Association for Astronomy Education--Hellas ( EAAE-Hellas(Greece )
    EAAE-Hellas is the Greek National Branch of the European Association for Astronomy Education.
    European Association for Astronomy Education ( EAAE )
    The purpose of the EAAE is to improve and promote scientific astronomical education all over Europe in schools of all levels and other institutions involved in the teaching of astronomy.
    Fremont Peak Observatory Association ( FPOA )
    The Fremont Peak Observatory Association is a non-profit corporation associated with the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation. FPOA is one of many state parks cooperative associations. It is unique in the it is the only cooperative association devoted to interpreting astronomy to the public. The FPOA constructed an observatory in the Fremont Peak State Park in San Benito County. It is eleven miles from San Juan Bautista. The main objective of the FPOA is to promote astronomy through public educational and interpretive programs at Fremont Peak State Park.
    Global Network of Automatic Telescopes ( GNAT )
    Home page of the Global Network of Automatic Telescopes including white papers, meeting announcements and other information.
    Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Association, Inc. ( GRAAA )
    Grup d'Estudis Astronomics ( GEA )
    GEA is a private non-profit organization devoted to research in Astronomy. We are now deeply involved in Jupiter & Saturn atmospheric studies. Our members are also developing LAIA a powerful image analysis tool for MS-Windows, able to reduce CCD images of Jupiter, giving coordinates of atmospheric details. We are, among others, collaborating with the " Pic du Midi" observatory (French Pyrenees). From that observatory, our members discovered and tracked the last GWS (Great White Spot) in Saturn (August 1994).
    Hafak Astronomical Society ( HAF )
    Hafak Astronomical Society, the second biggest society in Zlin, the Czech Republic. Goals: Observing for publics, variable stars, star eclipses by Moon, CCD observing and software. Here a lot of news, events and pictures.
    Hamilton Amateur Astronomers
    The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers is a group dedicated to the enjoyment of astronomy and public education.
    Icarus ( the International Journal of Solar System Studies )
    ICARUS is the official publication of Division of Planetary Sciences and is dedicated to reporting the results of new research-- observational, experimental, or theoretical-- concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific aspects of our solar system or extrasolar systems. It is published monthly by Academic Press, Inc. Of primary interest to researchers is the list of papers submitted to Icarus, similar to the Astrophysical Journal's " yellow pages." We plan on updating this list every 4-6 weeks. This server also contains information for authors planning to submit papers to Icarus and subscription information.
    Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers/CNRS ( INSU )
    INSU is the French national agency for Sciences of the Universe. Endowed with its own budget, voted by the CNRS Board of Directors, INSU is responsible for the major facilities and programs in this field of research, and for the Universe Sciences Observatories in France. The server includes the list of all French astronomy departments.
    International Astronomical Union ( IAU )
    Announcements, Information bulletin and services of the International Astronomical Union, hosted by the Landessternwarte at Heidelberg-Königstuhl
    International Dark-Sky Association ( IDA )
    The International Dark-Sky Association is a non-profit corporation formed to serve the public and astronomy community through information, education, and research on light pollution, energy conservation, rotection of observatory environments and related topics. IDA assists by sharing knowledge on a local, national and international basis. While IDA was organized for the purpose of preserving dark skies for astronomy and the general public, solutions to the problem of light pollution will promote the best outdoor lighting design, thereby reducing energy use and helping preserve Earth's resources.
    The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
    International Dark-Sky Association ( IDA )
    The International Dark-Sky Association is a non-profit corporation formed to serve the public and astronomy community through information, education, and research on light pollution, energy conservation, rotection of observatory environments and related topics. IDA assists by sharing knowledge on a local, national and international basis. While IDA was organized for the purpose of preserving dark skies for astronomy and the general public, solutions to the problem of light pollution will promote the best outdoor lighting design, thereby reducing energy use and helping preserve Earth's resources.
    International Meteor Organization ( IMO )
    The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and has more than 250 members now. IMO was created in response to an ever growing need for international cooperation of meteor amateur work. The collection of meteor observations by several methods from all around the world ensures the comprehensive study of meteor showers and their relation to comets and interplanetary dust.
    Joint Organization for Solar Observations ( JOSO )
    Longmont Astronomical Society
    Manchester Astronomical Society ( MAS )
    Founded in 1903 the MAS is one of the oldest astronomical societies in the UK. The Godlee observatory houses a Grubb 8" refractor and a 12" reflector, sited on the roof of UMIST.
    Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences ( AMSEE )
    The "Association Mediterranenne des Sciences de l'Environnement et de l'Espace" or Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences is a non profit organisation established late 1990. Since then the Association has installed two telescopes, one designed for the observation of planets and double stars under the Mosser Dome and another for deep sky observing under the Messier Dome. CCDs observing for amateur size telescope has been the major interest of the members since the beginning. The AMSEE observing facilities have been installed on the French Riviera at 1220 meters above the sea level on a 7,8 ha piece of land. Synergies have been developed with the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA) and many other bodies.

    The projects undertaken by AMSEE are described in the server, which includes the finest images made with the observatory facilities.

    Memphis Astronomical Society
    The Memphis Astronomical Society is a non-profit, public service organization promoting interest and education in astronomy and related sciences.
    North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club ( NSAAC )
    NSAAC is an Astronomy club of the North Shore in Massachusetts,USA
    Norwich Astronomical Society ( NAS )
    The Norwich Astronomical Society is based at the Seething Astronomical Observatory, Norwich, Norfolk, UK. The observatory houses a 30-inch Newtonian reflector which is the second largest amateur-built telescope in the UK. It is also the base of the Federation of East Anglian Astronomical Societies Radio Astronomy Section, and TeCComS.
    Novae amateur astronomy association ( NOVAE )
    NOVAE amateur association is located in the south of France, on the French Riviera. This server contains information on the association, its members and their activities, and its available observational ressources.
    Peoria Astronomical Society
    Peoria astronomical Society is an Amateur Astronomy Society Dedicated: To promote the science of astronomy By fostering astronomical education; by providing incentives for astronomical observation and research; by assisting communication among amateur astronomers.
    Planetry Society
    In 1980, Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray founded The Planetary Society to promote the exploration of our solar system (and others) and the search for extraterrestrial life. In its first year, the Society became the fastest growing nonprofit membership organization of the decade. We now number over 100,000 members around the world--the largest nongovernmental space organization on Earth.
    Prairie Astronomy Club of Lincoln, Nebraska ( PAC )
    The Prairie Astronomy Club is a non-profit orginazation dedicated to education of the public about the science of astronomy, as well a furthering the science through the activities of the club members.
    Royal Astronomical Society of Canada ( RASC )
    The beginnings of "The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada" (RASC) go back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The Society was incorporated within the province of Ontario in 1890, received its Royal Charter from King Edward VII in 1903, and was federally incorporated in 1968. The National Office of the Society is located at 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON, M5R 1V2, telephone (416) 924-7973, e-mail The business office and library are housed there.
    Royal Astronomical Society ( RAS )
    The Royal Astronomical Society was founded in the year 1820 and received the grant of a Royal Charter in 1831. The Society's aims are "the encouragement and promotion of astronomy and geophysics." The main functions are to publish the results of astronomical and geophysical research, to maintain as complete a library as possible in these subjects and to hold meetings, in London and elsewhere, at which astronomical and geophysical matters can be discussed.
    Salford Astronomy Society ( Manchester, UK )
    An amateur group which holds weekly lectures/meetings and is developing this resource with the primary aim of improving communications between amateur and professional astronomers.
    San Antonio Astronomical Association ( SAAA )
    Since its founding in 1974, the San Antonio Astronomical Association of San Antonio, Texas, has become one of the largest non-profit amateur astronomical organizations in the United States. Our 250+ members come from every walk of life, from elementary school students, to retirees, to teachers, to professional astronomers. For nearly a quarter century the SAAA has provided free educational programs for its members and the public.
    SEDS - Internet Space Archive ( LPL/Arizona )
    A large internet resource of Space related images, information and software.
    SETI League
    The SETI League believes that receipt of electromagnetic signals of intelligent origin from beyond our planet will change forever our view of humanity's place in the cosmos. Our mission it to organize and coordinate people interested in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in the hope of receiving such signals.
    Slovak Astronomical Society
    Sociedad Astronomica de Espan~a y America ( SADEYA )
    Sociedad Astronomica de Espan~a y America WWW Information Service
    Astronomy-dedicated server.
    Sociedad Española de Astronomía ( SEA )
    The Spanish Astronomical Society is open to all researchers and students in the field of Astronomy, as well as to any other person or institution interested in contributing to the development of this discipline in Spain. The aim of the SEA is to provide a forum for the discussion on subjects of common interest, to offer the means for dealing with those affairs in which a joint action is appropriate, and to maintain institutional relations with similar societies.
    South African Astronomical Societies
    Southern Astronomical Society Home Page
    One of the first WWW sites of an amateur astronomical in Australia. Set up for the Southern Astronomical Society, Inc. by the administrator, Zac Pujic. The site contains general information about astronomy as well as information about the society.
    Southern Cross Astronomical Society ( SCAS )
    The Southern Cross Astronomical Observatory, founded in 1922 in Miami, Florida, is one of the oldest amateur astronomical societies in the Western hemisphere. The renowned astronomer, Dr. Harlow Shapley, visited the first observatory at the Royal Palm Hotel & Park near the Miami River. He marveled at our view of the constellation Crux, "The Southern Cross," and suggested this name for the newly formed Observatory.
    SPIE Web ( SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering )
    SPIE Web, the World Wide Web server of SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, includes meeting announcements, membership information, and abstracts of nearly 30,000 papers on optics and related subjects, including astronomy. The Gateway to Photonics Information is a set of links to institutions, societies, government agencies, and other useful resources.
    Students for the Exploration and Development of Space ( SEDS )
    Students for the Exploration and Development of Space was founded in 1980 at MIT and Princeton and consists of an international group of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from a diverse range of educational backgrounds who are working to promote space as a whole. SEDS is a chapter based organization with chapters throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Latin America, and the Middle East. The permanent National Headquarters for SEDS-USA resides at MIT. Each chapter is fairly independent and coordinates activities and projects in its own area.
    There is also a Gopher server which contains a Rennes archive mirror plus software.
    Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas ( T.A.S. )
    With over 300 members, the Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas is a group of individuals sharing and promoting their common interest in astronomy. T.A.S. is a member of the Astronomical League and is home to the nationally known " Constellation of the Month" series.
    The Astronomer
    TA produces a magazine for the advanced amateur and its aim is to publish all observations of astronomical interest as soon as possible after they are made. The magazine has been published monthly since 1964 and subscribers are found all over the world. It also provides a very comprehensive electronic circulars service to keep our members up to date.
    The Des Moines Astronomical Society, Inc. ( DMAS )
    The Des Moines Astronomical Society is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization commited to sharing astronomy with the public of central Iowa. The society maintains the Ashton-Wildwood Observatory in Jasper County, 30 miles northeast of Des Moines. The observatory is a twin-dome design and houses a 16-inch Newtonian telescope and a 10-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassigrain CAT telescope. The society sponsors several lectures beginning in March and ending in late October.
    Trinity Astronomy & Space Society Homepage ( TASS )
    Astronomy & Space Society in Trinity College Dublin
    U.K. Amateur Astronomy
    A collection of pages describing all major amateur astronomy organisations in the UK including the British Astronomical Association, the Federation of Astronomical Societies and the Society for Popular Astronomy, plus all UK astronomy bulletin boards and magazines. The information was provided by the organisations concerned. There are also pointers to astronomy index systems and WWW pages of interest to the amateur.
    URANIA - Ephemerides
    URANIA - Meetings
    Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
    URANIA - News
    Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
    Urania Astronomical Organization
    Washington Area Astronomers ( WAA )
    Washington Area Astronomers meetings provide a forum in which the large number of professional astronomers and astrophysicists in the Washington-Baltimore area can present recent research results to their colleagues in the local astronomical community.
    Working Group for the History of Astronomy ( in the Astronomische Gesellschaft )
    The working group is open for all who are interested, it's membership is independent from that in the AG.
    WWW-homepage of the Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
    The Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) is an amateur group of young people interested in all aspects regarding meteors and related matters. They observe meteors visually, photographically, video and with all-sky camera's. DMS publishes a bi-monthly magazine called Radiant. More information on DMS/Radiant can be obtained at: Hans Betlem, Lederkarper 4, NL-2318 NB Leiden, Phone: +(31)-71-5223817 E-mail:

    Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli